
NDASC Key Documents


Club Constitution - current version 2019



Swimmer Personal Development Plan & Review

Swimmer Personal Development Plan

Judge Disqualification Report

Used by our Judges at internal and external events this is the latest FINA Apr 2019 DQ Codes and DQ Report.

Disqualification Report and Codes

GDPR / NDASC Privacy Notice

GDPR is an important change in government legislation regarding data protection and stands for The General Data Protection Regulation. It effectively provides an update to the Data Protection Act, bringing in new requirements and increasing the penalties for breaches. Any organisation that is required by law to comply with GDPR must do so by the 25th May 2018 at the latest. This law doesn’t only cover businesses, but sports clubs as well, since clubs, too, handle sensitive personal data their members trust them with.

GDPR will impose strict controls on how all organisations collect and process personal data within the EU and/or personal data of EU citizens. The UK is expected to enforce the full range of GDPR requirements.

The regulation outlines six key principles for organisations that process individuals' personal information. These are that data shall be:

  1. processed lawfully, fairly and transparently
  2. collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes
  3. adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for processing
  4. accurate and kept up to date
  5. retained only for as long as necessary
  6. processed in an appropriate manner to maintain security

As a result of GDPR requirements, the club has published a Privacy Notice applicable to members and volunteers on our website which details the information we hold and the purposes for which we hold it. See link below

NDASC Privacy Notice


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